Upon completion of this application it will automatically be e-mailed for review.

Work Location
Current Column
Current Step
If requesting a Column Change for completion of a graduate degree specify type and institution
Graduate Type
Date Acquired

If you've completed a degree please do not record coursework on this form. List coursework for all other column change credits in the log below. All course titles must explain course content. All documentation of coursework or degree completion must be attached to this request and submitted to Human Resources. Original transcripts or university verification is required (University verification must be by an official or agent of the university, on university letterhead with an original signature).
Please do not highlight or mark on transcripts. A copy of the diplomas is acceptable documentation for completion of a degree.

TIC/Workshop Hours Converted to Credits

15 Column Change hours is equivalent of 1 semester credit. 10 master/15 bachelor semester credits are required for one column change.
Example (45 Column Change Hours [45/15 = 3])

Course NameCourse Completion DateHours CompletedConverted to Credits 

University Credits

Column Changes are based on semester hours/credits.

Course NameInstitutionTerm CompletedCredits Completed 

Please upload any transcripts or additional files below.
Remember do NOT highlight or mark-up transcripts as it voids them.